Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Japanese Culture Day

The Japanese Culture Association will be hosting a "Japanese Culture Day" in conjunction with Campus Intercultural Week this Friday. From 3:30-6:30pm in Kirkhof 1142, they'll be hosting various events, including a screening of the film Linda, Linda, Linda, a presentation on Japanese popular music, Japanese snacks, etc. There is no fee for participation and all are welcome. For additional information, contact JCA president Pat Taylor at

Monday, November 8, 2010

Study Abroad Info Sessions

I'll be hosting two study abroad information sessions this week, one on Thursday evening and one on Friday afternoon. The content will be the same at both, so hopefully one of the two sessions will work for those who are interested in the program. I'll be primarily discussing and promoting the new faculty-led study abroad program to Osaka next summer, but I'll also be talking in more general terms about what you should look for in a study abroad program, how you might go about funding study abroad, etc. I highly recommend that everyone interested in study abroad also attend the general study abroad fellowship information meeting on Wednesday night. That session is being organized by the Fellowships office and concerns more general sources of funding for study abroad, while mine will focus on Japan-specific sources of funding, but the combination of the two should be extremely useful. Here are the times:

"Funding Study Abroad Information Session"
•••Wednesday, Nov. 10th 7pm Kirkhof 1104

"Faculty-led study abroad in Osaka Information Session"
•••Thursday, Nov. 11th 8:30pm Manitou 122
•••Friday, Nov. 12th 3pm Manitou 122

Monday, November 1, 2010

Kenny Endo Taiko Ensemble

The Kenny Endo Taiko (Japanese drum) Ensemble will be performing this Wednesday night down in Kalamazoo. Taiko done well is truly an experience you won't want to miss, and Kenny Endo combines it creatively with other musical traditions. Well worth the road trip, I'm sure. Here's the info:

Wednesday, Nov. 3rd
8:15 pm~
WMU Dalton Recital Hall
Tickets $5