Thursday, June 24, 2010


It's been a while since my last post, and I have a lot to talk about in the wake of my trip to Japan and future plans for the department. But for now, I'll simply use this to remind everyone about the fifteenth annual JAFAX convention this coming weekend on the Allendale campus. For those of you who don't know, JAFAX is an anime convention. In fact, I believe it is the largest free anime convention in the US. This weekend thousands of anime fans will descend on the Grand Valley campus to cosplay, buy anime stuff, sell art and homemade anime stuff, and watch anime and other Japanese entertainment in one of the numerous screening rooms. There are also talks being given on voice acting, creating comics, art, etc. by a wide range of guests... of which I am one. I'll be giving a talk on otaku (the same talk I gave at Otaku no Anime last semester) on Saturday and one on cyborgs on Sunday. And no, I will not be cosplaying. Nice try. For more info, check out