Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Japanese Conversation Table Reboot

Well, I'm going to once again try to reboot the good old Japanese Conversation Table. I think I was a bit too "hands off" last semester and things kind of died, so I am going to provide a bit more of a framework than I did last time just to keep things on track. But I still want it to be mainly student centered... we don't need another weekly episode of "The Sensei Show." It's supposed to be about actively using the language to talk about stuff you're interested in. However, I think the way to go is to decide each week on a topic for the next week, and I can provide via e-mail, the Facebook site, etc. material to look at for the following week. Hopefully that will provide a bit more structure and keep things going.

The student who volunteered to head up the reboot is James McQuaid from JPN 202, and if you have any suggestions for possible meeting times, etc. you can either write to me or to him. The first meeting will be this Thursday, from 1-3pm in MAK B-2-226. If you want to join in the fun, but can't make it at that time, feel free to suggest alternative times. The first meeting will just be a "getting to know you" event, but I will be there to talk a bit about possible topics, etc. Hope to see you there!

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