Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Cranes for Care

I'm sure by now you're all well aware of the disaster that occurred in Japan. It seems that things have settled down a bit, with the immediate threat posed by the nuclear reactors contained, but the recovery and rebuilding process will be a long and painful one. There are an estimated 16,000 dead and another 400,000 left homeless. To get a sense of the scale of this, imagine two out of every three Grand Valley students dead and half of the homes in Grand Rapids destroyed. There are numerous efforts underway to help the relief effort, and I'll be posting about some of these later. For now, though, I want to mention Cranes for Care, an effort to fold and sell origami cranes for $1 each, the proceeds to be donated to the Red Cross, designated for Japanese earthquake relief. There will be tables set up in Kirkhof to sell, fold, and teach passersby to fold these cranes this Thursday and Friday and next Monday, and they need volunteers to man the tables, fold cranes, etc. Those who want to help should contact Jessica Pleyel at pleyelj@mail.gvsu.edu. The times are:

Thursday, 3/24 3-4pm
Friday, 3/25 10am-4pm
Monday, 3/28 4:30-6pm

You can find a flier about the event here.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Japanese Conversation Table Update

Well, the Thursday 1-3pm time for the Japanese Conversation Table didn't seem to work for many students... since nobody showed up. We will continue to keep that time available if it works for at least some of you, so please let me know if you are able and plan to attend. Some students have also expressed interest in Friday mornings, so I have reserved a room on Friday mornings from 9:30-11:30 as well. Once again, please contact me if you think you will be attending. Just to recap, our current schedule for the Japanese Conversation Table is as follows:

Thursdays 1-3pm, MAK B-2-226
Fridays, 9:30-1130am, MAK B-2-241

In addition, I have received the following information from John Grimminck, a student interested in setting up a virtual conversation table via Skype on Wednesday evenings. Please contact him directly if you are interested.

Have you been interested in the Japanese Round Table Discussion but can't make it to the meetings? Looking for a more dynamic option? Starting Wednesday the 16th, at about 7 p.m., I will host the first Internet Japanese Round Table Discussion (I.J.R.T.D?). These sessions will follow the same format as the standard J.R.T.D. sessions, and will last until people decide to leave. In general, I think that half an hour to an hour would be decent, but if people decide to bow out early, that's fine. I am not sure if I will do these weekly or bi-weekly, so I would encourage people to add each other to your own contact list. This way, if you want to do this weekly for certain, you will have that ability to host a session without me.

The idea behind these internet sessions, besides improving your Japanese, is flexibility. If you can't do Wednesdays, setting up another time would be fantastic. Evenings tend to be when people are the most available it seems. Working in this fashion also means that anyone can get together pretty much whenever they choose, and we don't have to rely on one host. During the first session, I would recommend that everyone start adding each other to their contacts list.

Since this is internet based, expect some technical issues. Skype is supposed to be able to host up to 25 people at once, but expect dropped calls, static, and weird background noises.

All you will need for these sessions is Skype and a cheap microphone. I would recommend a USB headset microphone. It will make it easier for you to hear people, as well as having the ability to adjust your microphone if it's too far/close from/to your mouth.
Once you have downloaded Skype, add rainartxiii to your contact list. I'll look forward to being confused with all of you about what everyone else is saying.


Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Japanese Conversation Table Reboot

Well, I'm going to once again try to reboot the good old Japanese Conversation Table. I think I was a bit too "hands off" last semester and things kind of died, so I am going to provide a bit more of a framework than I did last time just to keep things on track. But I still want it to be mainly student centered... we don't need another weekly episode of "The Sensei Show." It's supposed to be about actively using the language to talk about stuff you're interested in. However, I think the way to go is to decide each week on a topic for the next week, and I can provide via e-mail, the Facebook site, etc. material to look at for the following week. Hopefully that will provide a bit more structure and keep things going.

The student who volunteered to head up the reboot is James McQuaid from JPN 202, and if you have any suggestions for possible meeting times, etc. you can either write to me or to him. The first meeting will be this Thursday, from 1-3pm in MAK B-2-226. If you want to join in the fun, but can't make it at that time, feel free to suggest alternative times. The first meeting will just be a "getting to know you" event, but I will be there to talk a bit about possible topics, etc. Hope to see you there!