Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Hiroshima-Nagasaki Poster Exhibition

At the end of this month, the "Culture of Peace Committee" of the Dominican Sisters of Grand Rapids will begin hosting a series of events centered on the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The centerpiece of the event is a poster exhibition featuring posters related to the bombings and hope for peace in their wake, but there will also be other events, including a video conference with an atomic bomb survivor, several short films on the subject, and a gathering to fold 1,000 origami cranes, a traditional wish for peace. Events run from February 21st through March 14th, and the sisters are also looking for volunteers to help oversee the origami room, put up and take down posters, etc. Anyone interested in volunteering can either contact Barbra Hansen directly at BHansen@GRDominicans.org or contact me about putting together a group of students to help out. Here is a poster of the exhibit, and you can also read an article about the events there from the Rapidian.

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